The structural basis of cell envelope formation and dynamics in bacteria
Phillip Stansfield (University of Warwick) Coffee at 15:00 Talk at 15:15
Results 1 to 10 of 103
Phillip Stansfield (University of Warwick) Coffee at 15:00 Talk at 15:15
Gabriele Kaminski Schierle (University of Cambridge), Conf Aud 2, 11:00
Anthony Green (University of Manchester), Astbury 11, 15:00
Gijsje Koenderink (Delft University of Technology), Astbury Level 11, 15:00
Terence Strick (IBENS), Astbury 11, 15:00
Elena Goun (University of Missouri), Astbury Level 11
Marc Vendrell (University of Edinburgh), Astbury Level 11
Louise Walport (The Francis Crick Institute), Chemistry LT D
Prof Xiaodong Zhang (Imperial College London), 15:00 Host: Qian Wu
Prof. David Alteens (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) 15:00 Hosts: David Brockwell & Ralf Richter