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The Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology (ACSMB) was formally constituted as an Interdisciplinary Research Centre in the University of Leeds in 1999. The Centre builds on the visions and achievements of outstanding structural biologists, and is named after W.T. (Bill) Astbury, a biophysicist who pioneered the use of X-ray fibre diffraction methods to decipher molecular structure and coined the term ‘molecular biology’ during his long research career at the University of Leeds (1928-1961). Astbury's work, in turn, followed from the pioneering work of Sir William Bragg who was the Cavendish Professor of Physics in Leeds from 1908-1915.

William Astbury and The Astbury Centre: Past and Present

Links to a series of articles about Astbury and The Astbury Centre:

Sound Archives and Lectures

Recording of a lecture given by Prof William Astbury, FRS, at Wayne University Medical School (1953)
Audio recording made by Prof Laszlo Lorand (Northwestern University, Chicago) and reproduced here with his permission.

A short extract from a lecture by Astbury where he discusses the power of interdisciplinary science.

BBC archive recording 'Bragg on the Braggs' (2013) Melvyn Bragg presents a history of X-ray crystallography including a contribution from Astbury Deputy Director Thomas Edwards

Astbury's Camera A lecture by Kersten Hall as part of the History and Philosophy of Science in 20 objects series by Dr Kersten T. Hall, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds.

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