Constitution, Values and Behaviours
Expectations of Membership
The Astbury Centre today is a vibrant, buoyant and invigorating research arena that helps
new research discoveries to be made. This environment is created through the hard work
and dedication of our PI members who are all expected to:
- be research active, with the core of their research interests in Structural Molecular
Biology in its widest sense, i.e. in understanding life in molecular detail; - pay an annual membership fee;
- engage positively with requests for help with Centre activities;
- update their Astbury Centre website regularly to reflect their current research activity.
All of the Centre’s activities must be open, inclusive and welcoming to all members. With this
in mind, Expected Behaviours for all members are that they be:
- professional;
- friendly, welcoming and inclusive;
- considerate and respectful;
- be mindful of different cultures.
And Unacceptable Behaviours by any member include:
- unwelcome sexual attention or inappropriate physical contact;
- aggressive behaviour or language;
- discriminatory jokes or language;
- harassing or bullying behaviour.
We are members of our University community, and these expectations of behaviour are
underpinned by the University’s overarching policy on dignity and respect:
If any member of the Centre has concerns in this area they should contact, in confidence,
any member of the Executive Committee to discuss.
1. Aims of the Centre
1.1 The Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, hereinafter referred to as "The Centre" or "ACSMB", will promote world-class interdisciplinary research to understand macromolecular behaviour in health and disease.
1.2 The Centre will exist to encourage collaborative research work in structural molecular biology, including physical, chemical, biological and computational approaches, and to provide the necessary infrastructure, equipment and environment to maximise external research income from government funding agencies, charities and industry.
1.3 The Centre will act to promote knowledge and training in this area of science, through participation of its members in undergraduate programmes of the relevant Faculties, and leadership in the provision of high level training to postgraduate and research scientists in areas of its expertise.
1.4 ACSMB will seek to establish links with other faculties, institutions, research centres and individuals with the aim of promoting multidisciplinary research and collaborative activity.
2. Membership of the Centre
2.1 Membership of the Centre shall be open to: (a) any research active member of the academic and related staff of the University with an ongoing research interest in structural molecular biology, and (b) other individuals, institutions or organisations at the invitation of the Executive Committee.
2.2 The Executive Committee of the Centre will consider and, as appropriate, approve applications or nominations for membership of the Centre in accordance with 2.1 above.
3. Administration of the Centre
3.1 The Centre will have a Director and a Deputy Director(s).
3.2 The Director and Deputy Director(s) will each hold office for three years, and be eligible for immediate re-appointment. The Director will be appointed by interview following advertisement to Centre Members.
3.3 There shall be an Executive Committee comprising the Director, Deputy Director(s), and at least four other members. These will be appointed by the Director following nominations from the membership. Members will hold office for a period of three years, thereafter being eligible for re-election.
3.4 There shall be a general meeting open to all members of the Centre at least once a year, the meeting to be convened and chaired by the Director or Deputy Director.
3.5 The Director or his/her representative will represent the Centre on the Research Committee of the major stakeholder Faculties involved and on any other committee of the University as is appropriate.
3.6 The Director and Deputy Director(s) will meet with a Steering Group at least twice yearly, chaired by the DVC-Research and Innovation and including the Executive Deans of major stake holder Faculties. Pro-Deans for Research and Innovation and Heads of School of major stake holder Faculties will be invited to this meeting once per annum.
Amended by ACSMB Executive 14/12/2020