Cryo-Electron Tomography virtual course - May 2024
Course details
Course dates: May 13th - 16th 2024
Registration now closed.
The course is a part of the UK community-led training program in cryo-EM funded by Wellcome and the MRC.
Hosted by University of Leeds ABSL, eBIC Diamond Light Source, and University of Leicester, this four day course is targeted at those with no or very little experience in cryo-electron tomography, and will introduce participants to sample preparation, tilt-series acquisition, and image analysis pipelines. Participants will work in small groups with instructors to gain hands-on TEM (Titan Krios) experience, and learn how to independently use software packages (IMOD, AreTomo, EMAN2 and RELION) for tomogram reconstruction, tomogram segmentation, particle picking, and sub-tomogram averaging.
Group photo from the course May 13th - 16th 2024
The course is organised by The Astbury Biostructure Laboratory (University of Leeds) in partnership with eBIC (Diamond light source), Midlands Regional Cryo-EM Facility (University of Leicester), Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging (University of Glasgow), and Birkbeck college (University of London).
Please contact for more info.